Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Mother Should be Taking This Course.

My mom sent me this email and recipe for Gnudi. She called me to catch up last week and has mentioned the dish the past two times as well. She also gave me a link to The Spotted Pig version of the recipe, the Spotted Pig being a restaurant Sam Sifton mentioned in one of his critiques we read for this week. Maybe I'll make it for our potluck? 
"So, gnudi. I think I may just be obsessed with the word (Italian for nude) but after seeing the David Rocco episode on Cooking Channel I can't wait to make some and they are vegetarian, so I think it's something you should add to your repertoire.
    First, here's the recipe I saw him make: David Rocco
    Second, while looking for his recipe I came across this blog and version of gnudi from famous NY restaurant The Spotted Pig. Thought you'd enjoy their unique method (letting moist gnudi sit in semolina flour overnight to make a noodle-like outer shell) and also the blog itself (The Paupered Chef): The Spotted Pig
    Reading through the reviews/comments at the end, there's mention of the need to re-drain the ricotta through cheesecloth (also to use sheep's milk ricotta, but I think that would make it expensive for the college budget and doubt that it would make a huge difference.) I am going to experiment before you come home so I can try my gnudi out on you!"

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