Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday Morning Breakfast

My mom used to make us baked grapefruit every once and awhile on cold, winter mornings or on special occasions. I've had an untouched grapefruit sitting in my fridge for almost a week now, so I decided to give it a shot today since its been particularly drafty in our house.

All you need is a grapefruit cut in half and some brown sugar. Some say to add cinnamon, but I'm not a big fan. Just place the grapefruit halves on a cookie sheet—the juices tend to spill over—sprinkle a heaping tablespoon of brown sugar on top and bake at 350 degrees for about ten minutes or until the sugar is done caramelizing. Then devour it. Its really great with a cold dollop of yogurt on the side.

Photo from (She has a really beautiful blog)


  1. This was truly delicious, Hannah. Thanks for sharing a bite.

  2. I looked this up because I was reading Bourdain... and you said you'd never eat a snake, so I am posting it here. This is not Facebook, there are no walls... I was at a loss. But here!

  3. Sam Sifton (NYTimes food critic) put a similar dish served at a NY restaurant on his top dishes of 2010.

    I am obsessed with Ruby Red grapefruits from Texas right now, as I am every January. I have about 30 pounds of them in my pantry. I love them too much as they are to cook them, though!

  4. This looks really yummy with nuts on it -- and I never thought of serving Greek yogurt on the side. Fage Greek yogurt makes anything taste better.
